Faza Youth Action Group (FYAG) voice of the Voiceless attended a significant tree planting event on National Tree Growing Day, May 10, 2024, in lamu county at the Lake Kenyatta catchment area in Mpeketoni. The event aimed to rehabilitate the area, with 20,000 seedlings planted across 20 hectares, including key tree species such as Afzelia guanzensis, Terminalia brownii, erythrophleum guinensis, adansonia digitata, garcinia Livingstone, and Terminalia spinosa. The event was attended by Hon. Salim Mvurya, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of mining, blue economy & maritime affairs, and Lamu County Governor, hon. Issa Timami. The Kenya Forest Service led the program, with participation from various stakeholders. Additionally, the Faza youth action group (fyag) voice of the Voiceless executive director Lajo Lwantii and staff participated in beautifying the Faza Island shoreline by planting palm trees.


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